Developing a Higher Education Curriculum in SET Teaching or the Health Protection and Promotion of Intellectually Disabled Individuals

Poučevanje za spodbujanje in varovanje zdravja oseb z intelektualno oviro


Najpomembnejši inovativni vidik tega projekta je, da bo učni načrt razvit tako, da bo omogočal pridobivanje znanja in spretnosti s številnimi orodji in viri (vključno z učbenikom, priročnikom za učitelje, orodji za ocenjevanje, učnimi načrti, modulom za e-učenje).


Za dopolnitev učnega načrta bodo pripravljeni učni načrti (osebni in spletni), preizkus znanja, učbenik in priročnik za učitelje.


Dejavnosti diseminacije se bodo začele takoj po odobritvi projekta. Rezultati projekta bodo zbrani, ko bosta pripravljena učni načrt in modul za e-učenje.


Vsi rezultati projekta bodo pripravljeni s sodelovanjem vseh partnerjev.

The target groups

The main target group of the project are SET in the partner countries, specifically interacted during the project practice. In addition, a group of participants consisting of academicians, special education teachers from each country, and stakeholders working directly or indirectly in the field of HP and HP will also participate in the implementation of the project.

THID Partners

Duzce University

Duzce University (DU) stands just in the middle of two major cities of Turkey, which are namely İstanbul and Ankara. Duzce located between…

Masaryk University

Masaryk University (MU) is the second-largest public university in the Czech Republic. At present it comprises ten facultieswith more than 200 departments, institutes…

Sakarya University

Sakarya University was founded in 1992 and currently has 6 institutes, 13 faculties, 2 higher schools, 2 vocational higher schools and 36 research…

Get in touch

Düzce University, Düzce, Turkey

SAKARYA UNIVERSITESI, Sakarya , Turkey /en

Masarykova univerzita, Brno, Czech Republic

Univerza Na Primorskem Universita Del Litorale, Obalno-kraška, Slovenia

Politécnico da Guarda, Guarda, Portugal

Düzce  , Turkey